Thursday, January 15, 2015

Let the Yeast Be Pitched!

Stuffed full with potential and anticipation in their DNA, tiny microbes are released from suspended animation. Tumbling free from their enforced captivity, at long last they meet the objects of their desire-- warmth, moisture, vitamins, lipids, oxygen, nitrogen, and above all, carbohydrates. Breathing and drinking in these intoxicating elixirs they grow, mate, and produce prodigious progeny. And all the while, they are breathing out carbon dioxide and they are pumping out ethanol. 

This is the initial offering of On Ferm Ground, a running commentary on all things zymous,  zymurgical, and zymological. We hope to explore the width, the depth, and the height of the fermentation arts and sciences. Please join us in this adventure, and offer up your own musings and mumblings. Your response will be fertilizer to our continued activity. 

Finally, their work will be done. Slowing down, and their potency draining away, these natural miracles of the microscopic biome have met their match. Their food is now depleted, their once invigorating atmosphere now a soporific. Drifting, falling, settling to the lower regions, they become the dregs of their universe. But what they have left behind, the posterity of their lives, is carefully drawn off to be lovingly deposited in glass vaults-- waiting for the final experience, the consummation. 

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